Friday, July 20, 2007

My Babies

I couldn't share any part of me without including something about my kiddies. So here they are, J my son who is 1 and A, my daughter who is 3. Having a ride in Daddy's wheelbarrow. I must admit I am a bit unsure about posting pics and talking about my kids on the web. They are so precious and nowadays you have to think about what you are exposing them to. But I can always delete it.
Now, for my knitting today. I made my first ever dishcloth, doesn't sound very sophisticated does it. Well, it's not really. I used some old cotton I had lying around, two strands together of blue and pink, (which ran out half way, so had to substitute with red), and just did plain old garter stitch. But it is as thick as anything, so I'm sure it will get all that dried weet-bix of J's high chair, here's hoping anyway.
And I am going to try and crochet an edge around it, so I can at least learn a new skill as well. My finger hurts from using two strands of yarn though, so it didn't all come easy.
Have talked DH into lining up with me at 9.01am for the new Harry Potter book. He thinks we are going to be laughed at amongst a sea of 9 year olds. I think he's wrong, and actually I am very cool.
And on that note, I will say goodnight.

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